Toa Shuzo’s sake is the result of a fusion between modern techniques and 400 years of traditional techniques. Quality first is our motto. Through strict manufacturing control we strive year-round to wholeheartedly make sake.

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The Inheritance of Technique

We have preserved our techniques for over 400 years.
Our master brewers who inherited these skills pass these techniques on to the next generation.

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Manufacturing Facilities

We have built a production management system that conforms to the food safety management system FSSC22000, and maintains stable sake quality throughout the year with air conditioning equipment, automatic koji making equipment, and using the Yumai method of brewing sake.

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Characteristics of our Sake

Toa Shuzo’s sake is light, refreshing and a little sweet.
With its mellow aroma and light taste, we aim to create an “everyday sake” that you can drink with your meal every day without getting tired of it. From cold to warm to hot, you can enjoy a variety of ways to drink throughout the year as the seasons change.